Stop being trapped in a circle and finally live a self-determined life.

Let's set off together on a journey of discovery to your innermost self to calm the restlessness within you once and for all. 

With her years of experience in aura reading & energy mentoring, Riccarda has developed a program for you that will guide you through your transformation in 6 weeks. We recognize your calling and your potentials and bring you completely on YOUR path (privately, professionally and financially). Possible blockages are recognized and eliminated.

Your life can be easy and happy!

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In our very special energetic training, we take your ability to feel and live energy to a new level. Nicole and Riccarda learned their access to energy in different ways. And they want to share these profound and special approaches with you in order to raise you to a higher vibration and feel more joy in life.

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"If you wish to know the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." - Nikola Tesla

In this two-day training you will learn to handle your energy and sensitivity and to transform it into a wonderful gift - the Aura-Reading. This training gives you clear access to your intuition. The result: You feel calm, grounded, arrived and your creativity & spirituality is extremely enhanced.

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For the past six years, we have also been offering our training completely online. This gives you even more flexibility in your time management and makes you a particularly authentic yoga teacher - at your own pace.

We have recorded all the content for you on video and meet every two weeks for a joint live call to exchange ideas and practice teaching. In addition, there are buddy groups and a Facebook group for you as students, so that a loving, helpful community is formed for you.

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Would you like to deepen your Yin Yoga practice?

Are you interested in becoming more aware of the energetic, physical, mental and emotional processes in Yin Yoga?

Are you interested in the assignment of bodily illnesses to different organ pairs and what your answer can be in Yin?

Would you like to (maybe) teach Yin Yoga?

Would you like to train your view holistically and expand it to include the often neglected topics in Yin: the areas of the spine, nervous system, glands and sexual organs?

Then I will take you with me on a deep and well-founded training path into your Yin Yoga.


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Have you ever thought about taking 2 weekends just for you and going on a wonderful journey within?

Allow yourself this intensive time just for you, for your mindfulness practice, for your Yin Yoga experience and deeper understanding. Sharpen your awareness and get a little closer to yourself. In these 2 weekends you can find your place of retreat and regeneration and connect with your own core to draw strength for your everyday life. In addition to Yin Yoga, the knowledge of the 5 phases of transformation from traditional Chinese medicine, the practice with essential oils and healing sounds as well as Breathwork will support you and round off the Yin Yoga training in a special way.

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The module "Ayurveda in Yoga Therapy" as part of the 150H Therapy Training offers a sound introduction to the basics of Ayurveda and shows you how you can integrate this millennia-old wisdom into your everyday life today.
Ayurveda is a holistic health system that helps us to improve our health and relaxation without having to change our entire life. Through targeted adjustments and small changes, you can shape your days in a self-determined, creative and positive way.

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Your voice - how to use it
Your sound - how to bring it into the room

Workshop for all interested people and yoga teachers

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Be in tune with your energy and sensitivity - feel energy, learn protective mechanisms and use your gift for aura reading.

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