Have you ever thought about taking 2 weekends just for you and going on a wonderful journey within?

Allow yourself this intensive time just for you, for your mindfulness practice, for your Yin Yoga experience and deeper understanding. Sharpen your awareness and get a little closer to yourself. In these 2 weekends you can find your place of retreat and regeneration and connect with your own core to draw strength for your everyday life. In addition to Yin Yoga, the knowledge of the 5 phases of transformation from traditional Chinese medicine, the practice with essential oils and healing sounds as well as Breathwork will support you and round off the Yin Yoga training in a special way.

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Be in tune with your energy and sensitivity - feel energy, learn protective mechanisms and use your gift for aura reading.

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For the past six years, we have also been offering our training completely online. This gives you even more flexibility in your time management and makes you a particularly authentic yoga teacher - at your own pace.

We have recorded all the content for you on video and meet every two weeks for a joint live call to exchange ideas and practice teaching. In addition, there are buddy groups and a Facebook group for you as students, so that a loving, helpful community is formed for you.

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