
Our workshops offer you various themes: from meditation to sweaty physical master classes. They are desigend to deepen and enlarge your yoga. Mayby you are even ready to enlarge your comfort zone with us! We are very happy to bring you together with yoga teachers from all over the world. Our workshop offer is unique  - we invite you tro try and enjoy! 


Alles von der Seele schreiben. Reflektieren. Manifestieren. Und meditieren.

Ob du gerne schreibst oder nicht: Mit ganz viel Kreativität und Freude sprechen wir über die wunderbaren Möglichkeiten, die uns das regelmäßige Schreiben bietet. Wir schreiben selbst und kommen mithilfe der Meditationseinheiten zur Ruhe und ein Stück mehr zurück zu uns selbst. 

Info & Booking

Do you find it easy to feel joy? Are you curious and want to rediscover access to your joy? In this Yin Yoga workshop, set off on the path to your joy and increase your general well-being.

Info & Booking

Are you ready for a KAP Going Deeper experience? Are you ready for a day full of transformation, expansion of consciousness, connection with yourself and the community of other conscious people?

Info & Booking

A powerful fusion of functional breathing and the soothing sounds of the Alchemy Crystal™ Singing Bowls. The breathing and sounds gently stimulate the nervous system to move from an active to a meditative state.

During the Sound Bath you lie in a comfortable position and "dive" into a deep sensory experience. Relaxation, regeneration and harmony are felt in every cell of your body. Stress hormones are lowered and a peaceful state of mind is created.

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Yin Yoga with Fleur
Find your balance, find your center and let go

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In Fleur's private Yogatherapy sessions there is plenty of space just for you.
It's all about you and your body, about releasing and relaxing. Fleur works with pressure points, asanas individually designed for you and a personal healing meditation.

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Your voice - how to use it
Your sound - how to bring it into the room

Workshop for all interested people and yoga teachers

Info & Booking