“Your mat, your time for yourself. During praxis, it’s all about you and what you personally bring along. An issue, a desire, a goal. To leave something behind, to dream, to feel self love, to strengthen your self-confidence, perhaps find courage for decisions or just to tank up energy. I accompany you through the hour and provide impulses, a magical, loving story between you and your mat. For your body and spirit, in combination from movement and breathing, you flow with the sound of the music and allow yourself to be led. Head off, heart on: I look forward to see you!
After three years working at a fashion publisher, she arrived at a publisher with a focus on spiritual books in 2013, and thus found her way to meditation. Complementing meditation practice, taking her orientation from various teachers and methods, she soon found, curious for further development, her way to physical practice and so Fabienne immersed herself into holistic yoga. She began with Iyengar yoga and briefly thereafter began in vinyasa. With many years of ballet and twelve years of eurhythmics at the Waldorf School, the flowing motions of vinyasa flow were much more familiar to her. In 2018, this was followed for the “license for passing on moments of happiness,” the 200-hour Vinyasa-Yoga instructor-training at KarmaKarma.