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Riccarda Kolb

Fifteen years ago, Riccarda made her dream come true, her own yoga studio KarmaKarma in Dusseldorf. As a studio owner, yoga instructor, stress prevention coach, Ayurveda coach, aura reader, energy mentor, and writer, she loves the variety life has to offer. Her yoga instructions are inspiring and full of variety: dynamism, power, stability, rest, and relaxation, combined with a great deal of enjoyment and a sense of humor. Even her online videos exude Riccarda’s love of yoga. She loves yoga’s dance-like aspect, but in her instruction also communicates precision and a strong focus on breathing and mediation. Her motto: rock the universe!

Her focus is on vinyasa yoga, a flowing, dynamic style that combines breathing and movement with one another in an optimal way. From Riccarda’s point of view, this style of yoga is optimal to gently decelerate after the diverse dynamics of the day and at the same time to build up the strength that we all need to face life’s challenges.

Riccarda has been training vinyasa yoga instructors for the past thirteen years. And in addition to vinyasa yoga and a style of yoga she developed herself, kunvinyi yoga, she also specializes on aura reading and energy work with healing. 

The best thing would be to just close your eyes, and allow yourself to be led through the exercises for the body, breathing, and mediation by Riccarda’s gentle voice. But watch out! It’s addictive!