Anna Buchwald

“Yoga is like a loving embrace full of light.”

For me, yoga is an invitation to encounter ourselves, consciously linking body and soul and immersing ourselves deeply in moving meditation. For me, yoga is manifold and colorful, always different, a journey of discovery to experience limits in a sensitive way and to shift them, and to observe in a fascinated way how forces draw constantly in different direction and the attempt to find a balance between them.

For a long time, yoga kept crossing my path. Then I found out that yoga is so much more than the purely physical practice, and yoga became a fixed part of my everyday life. My curiosity to learn more about yoga and the desire to hand down my knowledge full of joy and ease led me to take the 200 hour yoga instructor training in Dusseldorf in 2021.

Yoga is healing. Yoga means connection. Yoga can be whatever you need at the moment, what supports you, what you are. Loud and quiet, funny and serious, inside and outside, community and self. You can experience that when you practice yoga and I would like to hand this on to you.